African gold nuggets are for sale. These gold nuggets are mined by smaller mines in the southern african countries. if you are interested into gold nuggets from artisanal mines, please make contact at gold nuggets for sale.
The trend is already clear: With a growing world population and increasing affluence, especially in emerging markets are fueling demand, and thus tend to the prices of raw materials. Recently, however, expressed the Konjukturängste prices down a bit like oil or copper - a chance to get started, especially for Euro-skeptics. Because traditional record commodities in dollars. Kriselt the euro, they therefore become more expensive in itself and the currency effects. Moreover, behind these investments are real values that keep their prices during the crisis and never fail completely. Generally there are three ways of investing in commodities: directly, as with gold possible on the futures markets or indirectly through shares and funds.
Coins like the Krugerrand or Goldbarrenim Safe are useful as an emergency reserve - for example, if the currency collapses completely. Here, the smaller the denomination, the higher the premium over the pure metal value. Those looking only protection against a permanent Euro-infirmity place in Xetra-Gold (ISIN: DE000A0S9GB0) or ETFS Physical Gold (DE000A0N62G0) alternatives: Both certificates are parallel to the gold price, are by real stocks covered and always traded on stock exchanges.
Even gold stocks move mostly parallel to the gold price - but often with much larger fluctuations. Your advantage: The firms are often in Canada, Australia, the United States and accounted for in their respective currencies. Leading the Canadian gold miner Goldcorp (CA3809564097) and the Australian Newcrest Mining (AU000000NCM7). In the gold mining funds of BGF World God Fund (LU0055631609) is considered a leader. The Gold Equity Fund (LU0175576296) also has an installment in Swiss francs (LU0223331439).
Silberist the cheaper alternative to gold, but is considered as of proper protection from a euro collapse: An ounce of silver currently costs only about one-fiftieth of the same amount in gold. The price usually runs parallel to the gold note, albeit with larger fluctuations. Unlike the yellow metal in coins fall (seven percent) and bars on (19 percent) taxes. Again, there are Certificates that will track the price of silver as ETFS Physical Silver (DE000A0N62F2).
30 tips | commodities and commodity funds: protection through true values.